Unnecessary use of painkillers

Unnecessary use of painkillers

Unnecessary use of painkillers
Unnecessary use of painkillers

Unnecessary use of painkillers
Hakeem Al Miwat Qari Muhammad Younis Shahid Mayo
At present, about 70 percent of people are suffering from joint pain. Patients who come to us for the treatment of any disease have pain in some part of the body, for example, jaundice. When the patient has gallstones, there is pain at the site of the swelling, similarly, pains are necessary in all the symptoms of acute diseases, in the same way, if there is an enlarged liver and spleen or ascites of the heart and muscles or testicular swelling, even if there is any symptom. I have a headache.
He used to say only about infertility patients that infertile husband and wife are such patients that they do not seem to have any pain or pain or any other symptoms, they are fat, healthy, just not pregnant. It would have been, but now even if you ask the infertile husband and wife, they say that there are pains in the whole body, especially after intercourse, such husband and wife have fatigue and pain in the whole body. All the patients with diabetes suffer from diabetes. They are not as tight as they are tight with pains in the whole body. Sometimes the feet hurt and sometimes the feet are numb. By eating it, pain starts in other parts of the body and also in the joints, because everyone is suffering from joint pain in some form or the other.

Abundance of drugs in society
As far as pain medication is concerned, every person must have some painkiller in their pocket. Painkillers are pills or if they take more than that, their time passes, otherwise it becomes difficult for them to walk and sit up. In such a large amount, these people cannot take the medicine for a long time, just take the medicine in a couple of years. They eat them and they lose their life because Allah did not make the human body to run on medicine but on food. When the amount of medicine exceeds the food, the human body becomes helpless

Drug abuse
Some people use drugs to avoid pain, for example, someone says that I drink a lot of tea because if I don’t drink, I get pains, some people get relief by smoking cigarettes, and some people try unsuccessfully to stop pains with opium cannabis. All the above sedatives and narcotics, which the patient uses according to his poor intellect and suffers a lot of harm, these medicines temporarily help in pains, but the permanent disease continues to grow, so the treatment fails.

Reasons for treatment failure
The main reason for the failure of treatment is not the organ diagnosis. When the organ diagnosis is not done and drugs are given to remove the symptoms, the treatment is not always successful. And drug treatment has been prescribed to cause permanent healing for the patient. It is hoped that readers and patients will benefit from its study
