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Steel alloys. The need and importance of
In indigenous medicine, special importance is given to Kushta Foolad or Shirbat Foolad, whether one uses Kishta or not, but there is no problem in Shirbat Foolad.
While there are many benefits to steel, there are also disadvantages. Entire books have been written about it. In some books, long and lengthy arguments are used to prove it as Amrit Sagar. Readers understand. If the ship is made of steel, then the formula will be found to eradicate all diseases.
There is no doubt that the human structure and the blood running in its veins are not complete without steel, but its use can also cause damage without skill.
If iron compounds are used after the determination of diseases and symptoms and the correct diagnosis of diseases, they have profound effects on human health. Acidity or vitamin C inhibits the absorption of iron.
Remember that food and viscosity in the stomach affect the absorption of the drug. These factors are also related to the interval of stomach emptying.
Taking some medicines on an empty stomach can cause inflammation. If the medicine is taken before food, the absorption is faster, so some medicines can cause inflammation if taken on an empty stomach, such as salicylates and iron. Salts should be consumed after meals so as not to cause stomach upset.
Acidic or muscular drugs absorb more by going to the stomach, it is more effective to take them orally. And the absorption of basic/nerve drugs is better in the intestines than in the stomach. Therefore, it is not good to take Kashta Foolad on an empty stomach.
Iron is an important mineral component in the human body that performs several important functions. It is a component of hemoglobin, a protein responsible for carrying oxygen in the blood. Iron is also essential for myosin and actin, proteins that are necessary for muscle contraction and relaxation. In addition, iron is a cofactor for several enzymes involved in a variety of biological processes, including energy production, DNA synthesis, and cell repair.

A lack of iron can lead to iron deficiency anemia, a condition in which the body does not have enough hemoglobin. Symptoms of iron deficiency anemia include fatigue, weakness, shortness of breath, and dizziness. This condition is especially common in pregnant women, children, and teenagers.
Following are some important roles of iron in the human body:
Helps in the formation of hemoglobin: Hemoglobin is responsible for carrying oxygen in the blood. Iron is a component of hemoglobin, so it is essential for carrying oxygen to all parts of the body.
Supports muscle function: Iron is essential for myosin and actin, which are proteins necessary for muscle contraction and relaxation.
Helps in energy production: Iron is a cofactor for many enzymes involved in energy production.
Helps in DNA synthesis: Iron is essential for DNA synthesis.
Helps in cell repair: Iron is essential for cell repair.
Iron deficiency can lead to iron deficiency anemia, a condition in which the body does not have enough hemoglobin. Symptoms of iron deficiency anemia include fatigue, weakness, shortness of breath, and dizziness. This condition is especially common in pregnant women, children, and teenagers.
Good dietary sources of iron include meat, poultry, fish, eggs, beans, green leafy vegetables, and lentils. Iron-fortified cereals and other foods are also available.
If you are at risk for iron deficiency anemia, talk to your doctor about whether you need to take an iron supplement.
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