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- Mujarbat e Mubarka

Mujarbat e Mubarka

The memory of the experiences of people who gave up their lives in medical experiments. Hundreds of flawless experiments. A torch for the newcomers and the experts.
His children, Arjamand Hakeem Zia, Rahman, and grandchildren. Hakeem Muhammad Munir Akhtar (Gold Medalist)
. The services of three generations are the crowning glory of the medical world. This masterpiece is also the charity of the same family.
Mujibarat Mubaraka: All praises are for the Almighty who sent the Prophets for the benefit of the people and finally by sending the Messengers ﷺ. He blessed them with faithful friends. Dedicated precious moments.

He explained the hidden points by discussing the benefits of the hearts of the doctors and maintaining their health and the treatment measures in case of illness. Recomposed under the supervision of experts at Saad Virtual Skills, a subsidiary of
Talib Dua. Hakeem Al Miwat Qari Muhammad Younis Shahid Mayo
Administration. Saad Saad Tabiyya College for Prophetic Medicine ﷺ Kahna Nolahor