Essential oils for health
By Hakeem Lamiwat Qari Muhammad Younis Shahid Mayo
Aromatherapy is an enduring art, and those who specialize in it create their own distinct therapeutic identity.
Oils have been used by humans for centuries and perfumery. And it has been an ancient tradition to use oils for various needs. Reducing stress. Treating wounds. Eliminating allergies. Implementation is a great art.

The experts know which oil to use at what time for what need. In this book.
Almond Oil, Peppermint (Mint Seed Oil), Tea Tree, Eucalyptus Oil, Clove Oil
100 amazing uses of lavender oil, lemon, grape seed oil, etc
The author has described the seasonal and disease symptoms in the human body separately. Briefly, he describes the benefits of mood medicines and discusses them up to the soul.

How and why to use essential oils | Ohio State Health & Discovery
Essential oils for health
Beauty Choosing a fragrance for women, especially when it matches the mood from a medical point of view, is a great skill. .
The selection of essential oils in the field of aromatherapy the more than 1000 uses of these oils and their availability for medical and therapeutic benefits will lead to an increase in the knowledge of the general public.
The book is being presented by Saad Virtual Skills, a subsidiary of Saad Tabiyya College for the Promotion of Prophetic Medicine. It has a different accent and writing style from Urdu at many places. It has been translated from English. Therefore, efforts have been made to keep the book in accordance with the original.

Seeing its usefulness from a medical point of view, the institution is adding it to its list of books. It is hoped that this book will increase the knowledge and experience for the physicians belonging to the Urdu community.

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