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Clean your stomach and face with ketchur
By Hakeem Al Miwat Qari Muhammad Younis Shahid Mayo
Abstract Essay.
Cucumber cures stomach ailments.
Get rid of gas and constipation.
Use of Kachor in dental problems
Role of Kachor in facial cleansing.
(For details: magical properties of Kachure. See the book)
Kachur is a commonly available local medicine that has been used for centuries by the needy alone or in combination. Kachur is a locally produced turmeric-like substance. Both turmeric and kachur cleanse the body of waste products. It also easily removes those that cause diseases.
Common uses and priceless benefits of Kachor.
We have a general social problem that until someone tells us about the advantages or disadvantages of something, that thing remains worthless. As soon as we know about its advantages and disadvantages, we pay attention to it. And they start using it unnecessarily.
Kachur is a commonly available and easily available food/medicine with low cost. It has numerous benefits and is worth diamonds but is being ignored due to lack of information. But people are aware of the many benefits of Kachur. They are doing well.
Congestion on the tongue.
Mail on the tongue is a sign of indigestion, that is, there is undigested material in the stomach, which appears on the tongue in the form of mail. When this mail accumulates, the sense of taste becomes weak. The mouth remains full. The appetite decreases. Even the best dishes feel tasteless because of the lack of taste. If one feels like on the tongue, then take advantage of Kachor. Chew the kachur and spit it out, then rinse with warm water, the tongue and throat become clean.
Remove bad breath.

The generation of bad breath is actually a sign of laziness and laziness of human health. If the teeth are cleaned and the toothbrush is taken care of, the bad breath can be controlled. And it doesn’t go away even after brushing. Such people suffer from bad breath. Kachur removes bad breath and also improves the stomach. Whether it is eaten or chewed, it is useful in all cases. Some people chew in the mouth for bad breath because of the bad breath.
This plant can remove the smell of garlic and onion from the mouth.
Toothache is caused due to retention of material and putrefaction of food items. Generally sensitivity also increases. Toothache and its other diseases are a huge field in itself. But some things are available at home. Foods can be controlled. If someone has a toothache, coat the kachur and make a soof and dissolve a couple of pinches in warm water and gargle with it, the toothache will go away. Coat the kachur and make a soof. And dissolve a couple of pinches in warm water and gargle with it, the toothache will go away.
Zinbad plant helps in hardening the gums. Zinbad plant relieves toothache and pain.
Digestive problems. Special benefits.
Kasurreah strengthens the stomach and liver
Take 50 grams of turmeric and 50 grams of kachoor.
. Both things should not be pre-ground, make the saffron yourself. Mix this sufof with half a spoon and one to half spoon of desi ghee, a cup of warm sweet or lukewarm milk and drink it in the morning, afternoon and evening or only in the morning and evening or half a spoon three times a day with water or milk. Use this recipe for joint, muscle and back pain or people who are tired and confused by their body pains day and night.
Zinbad root powder is used to relieve stomach pain and treat diarrhea.
It stimulates the bowels and expels gases from the stomach. It is taken to suppress appetite.
Drinking tea made from cinnamon root helps in lowering blood cholesterol levels.
Vomiting is basically the matter that becomes a burden for the stomach. The stomach gets upset and pushes it out. This unnecessary material is called vomit. There are many types of vomiting and it has many causes. If it is done, even the common items become valuable medicines. If you have vomiting due to indigestion, boil three grams of turmeric in 100 grams of water. When the remaining twenty five grams are left, filter it and add five grams of pure honey to it. Gram every half an hour. Vomiting will stop. It helps to relieve nausea and dizziness. Stimulates metabolism.
**Improves Digestion:** Zarnabad strengthens the digestive system and helps in relieving problems like constipation, indigestion and gas.
At this time, a large number of patients are referred to patients suffering from stomach ulcers. Kachur has the property of eliminating ulcers. If doctors or needy people want to use Kachur, then the disease of ulcer can be controlled with a cheap drug.
Beauty and beauty.

(1) Button:
Make kachur, barbering, babchi, poppy, mango haldi, nagar mutha, papdi, peeled tangerine, white sandal, all the ingredients in a homogenous sufof.
(2) Abton. Take kachur, poppy, nagar mutha, mango, turmeric, sandal red and prepare the soof. Mix the soof of orange peel in it. Skin and body will become soft, shiny and beautiful. Waves of fragrance will also perfume the mind.
(3) Abtan. Kachur, Babrang, Babchi, Poppy, Mango Turmeric, Nagarmutha, Papri, Chilka Taranj, White Sandal, Make all the items homogenous. Mix in it the desired aromas. Massage on the body when needed. Promotion of Shabab. will do
(4) uButton:
Prepare sufof by taking kachor, poppy, nigrummutha, mango, turmeric, and sandalwood in equal proportions. Mix the sufof of orange peel evenly in it, massage it on the body when necessary and take a bath. The skin and body are soft, smooth, shiny and It will become beautiful. The fragrance will also perfume the mind.
5. Abdominal. Young boys and girls are very troubled by dark freckles and spots on the face. If the digestive system is fixed and attention is paid to the diet, these things will disappear immediately. Whatever appears on the human body. In general, it indicates a defect. The same is the case with spots on the face. They are different in appearance. Similarly, they indicate different diseases. A skilled doctor can tell by looking at the face. What internal changes have occurred in the body and how it can be corrected. Kachur has many benefits in the treatment of facial blemishes. Drink that water at the time. In some time, the face will be clear. The black spots and dullness of the face will disappear and the freshness and redness will start to appear. This process can also be done to eliminate acne scars.
Beneficial for the skin

Our skin is responsible for many issues, including the excretion of waste and absorption of oxygen. When the pores of the skin are blocked for some reason, pimples and other skin diseases are born. Kachur opens the pores of the skin. As it plays an important role in the excretion of waste, Zarnabad is helpful in treating various skin problems such as rashes, itching and eczema. Due to its meshiness, it is useful in treating skin blemishes and itching etc. Due to its meshiness, it is useful in treating skin blemishes and itching etc.