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The nobles and their lords.

The nobles and their lords.

The nobles and their lords.
The nobles and their lords.

The nobles and their lords.
The initial material soil is recognized as having the highest potential for growth and evolution.
As this evolutionary stage progresses, gold, silver, iron, and copper are transformed.
In the same way, in the evolutionary stage of human existence, the first accessory substances such as bone and witr etc. come to the fore.
The bone marrow and tendons become cartilage when the connective tissue develops and changes into muscle tissue or muscular tissue.
, the moving organs are formed, their center is the heart.
Nature has appointed the messenger nerve in our existence for this service that if any abnormal and useless situation comes up, it informs about it so that it can be remedied in time. If there is any danger, it can be defended in a good way. They are called informant nerves, they inform the heart and muscles, the heart executes the orders from the mind through the movement muscles. In order to survive, the liver was assigned to complete the nutrients by dissolving the food as a metabolizing agent. Its two servants are the absorptive glands and the excretory glands. Add it to the blood.
In the same way, if there is excess in the blood due to absorption, then they are removed by exhalation to maintain health.

According to the research of the late scholar Sabir Multani, the liver has three important functions (1) to complete the blood, giving it a red color (2) to make bile and to digest fatty meat and sugar components (3) to protect the body heat Doing and distributing to the body at the time of need, in the same way, there are two gods of the mind. The messenger nerves perform these chemical actions, the command nerves perform mechanical functions, in other words, the messenger nerves, if they gather the righteous phlegm, command. Conductors excrete excess mucous material, the food of the organs that perform chemical functions is also a mixture of their mood, for example, the food of the digestive glands is pure bile. The food of the organs that perform the functions is also according to their temperament, but the difference is that the chemical change has started in the pure, for example, when the chemical change occurs in the pure bile, it will leave its original dry and hot temperament and change to a warmer one. But the element of heat will prevail and it will be called bile by name, same is the case with the other two organs.

Hakeem Qari Younas

Assalam-O-Alaikum, I am Hakeem Qari Muhammad Younas Shahid Meyo I am the founder of the Tibb4all website. I have created a website to promote education in Pakistan. And to help the people in their Life.

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