10 Best Tips for Prophetic Sleep:

10 Best Tips for Prophetic Sleep:

10 Best Tips for Prophetic Sleep:
10 Best Tips for Prophetic Sleep:

Hakeem Al Miwat Qari Muhammad Younis Shahid Mayo
Sleep is a great blessing.
Yand is one of the great signs of Allah Almighty. It calms the mind and the person gets refreshed due to sleep. Sleep is very important to maintain health. People who do not get enough sleep suffer from various diseases and problems. What has been mentioned in the Holy Quran regarding sleep is a Quranic miracle in the context of modern information. There are various verses related to sleep in the Holy Quran. Allah Almighty says in Surah al-Rum, verse 23: “And among the signs of Allah is your sleep by night and by day, and your seeking His bounty. Verily, therein are many signs for those who are careful.” Listen.” Allama Ibn Kathir explains that: “Sleeping during the night and during the day is one of the signs of Allah. He who sleeps in a healthy manner should be grateful to the Lord.”
What changes occur in the body while sleeping?
Now watch them. The pulse slows down during sleep. Blood pressure decreases by 20 to 25 mmHg. The rate of respiration becomes lighter, but the respiration becomes deeper and longer. Blood acidity increases. The body absorbs 33% of oxygen during sleep at night and 67% during the day. The body releases 42% of carbon dioxide during sleep at night and 58% during daytime sleep.
There is a slight decrease in temperature. Muscles relax during sleep. The digestive system rests during sleep. Stomach and bowel movements become lighter. The formation of digestible material is reduced. Liver and pancreatic function becomes dull. Some glands become less active.
What causes sleep?
There are 3 theories about it: One theory is that there is a pineal gland in the human brain, it performs the function of nerve transmission.
This gland continues to release waste into the blood. It receives neural information from the effects of light falling on the sides of the pupil. A substance called melatonin is formed in this gland, which was discovered in 1958. It induces sleep on the mind. Another theory is the chemical system of sleep. The result is that the muscles and nerves of the human body work hard during awakening. Chemical operations and energy consumption produce wastes and toxic materials. These gradually increase in the blood. These accumulate near the nervous system or brain. Eventually, the brain becomes drowsy and lethargic. Gradually, his series increases and sleep comes. The third theory is old.
His story is that in the last century, neurosurgeons used to operate on the brain without anesthetizing the person. While performing the operation, he saw that the patient was awake during the operation and he was continuing his work. Meanwhile, what they see is that the patient suddenly falls asleep when their instruments touch a nucleus of cells in certain deep parts of the brain. From this observation, surgeons assumed that there were “sleep centers” in the brain. Damages of sleep deprivation: Experts from a center that researches on sleep under Loprog University of Technology in the central region of England have reviewed the damages of sleep deprivation and said that the following damages have been recorded in case of lack of sleep: 1. So there is decay in human activity. Insomnia, restlessness and tension occur. There is an attack of nervous excitement and the mind becomes numb. Epilepsy and paranoid fits are also possible. Sight becomes weak. There is confusion in the vision. Sometimes things start to look double.

Sleeping position:
Sleep occurs as a result of various changes in the human body, but its real causes have not been discovered till date. Sleep is definitely an innate thing. Its correctness according to human needs is the proof that it has the status of nature for human nature. Some people are like that, they do not sleep in other places. It does not happen to everyone. But some people definitely have it. If you are not forced, sleep in your room and in your bed, it gives you comfort.
Bed selection from a clinical point of view
The bed should neither be too soft nor too hard to prevent sleep. Avoid sleeping on an empty stomach. Maswak must be done before going to bed. Hands and mouth should be washed before sleeping. Narcotics and sleeping pills should be avoided. How to sleep: Every action of the Holy Prophet is a good example for us. Prophet of Islam used to use hard bed. He used to take the right crotch and place the palm of the right hand under the right cheek. The Prophet did not like to lie upside down.
Make your room cool, dark and quiet.
On the authority of Hazrat Jabir, may Allah be pleased with him, the Messenger of Allah, may God bless him and grant him peace, said: When you go to sleep at night, put out the lamp, close the doors, cover the dishes, and cover the food and drink with a cloth.
Hazrat Jabir (RA) says: I remember that he also said that even if you put a piece of wood on the width of the vessel (Sahih al-Bukhari, Kitab al-Ashrabah, Chapter Taghatiyyah Al-Anaa, Number of Hadiths: 5624).
Invest in blackout curtains, earplugs and a comfortable mattress. Keep electronics out of the bedroom, as their blue light can disrupt sleep.
Right crotch sleep. Sunnah is also a medical necessity.

It is also medically necessary to lie on the right side as gastric emptying also occurs on the right side. Lying on the left side puts a burden on the heart, similarly lying upside down is also not beneficial. Placing the hand under the elbow provides relief to the lower jaw, which prevents the mouth from opening and snoring despite the loosening during sleep. Lying upright makes snoring more likely, so lying on the right side is a good practice. Clinical experiments and observations have proven that people who use hard beds have significantly less back pain. Croat should be taken while lying down. In the Holy Qur’an, there is a mention of the Companions of the Cave who slept for hundreds of years. Allah says in verse 18 of Surah Al-Kahf: “We used to turn them to the right and to the left, and their dog was sitting on the edge of the cave with its hands stretched out.” This blessed verse of the Holy Qur’an reveals that Allah Ta’ala used to make the Companions of the Cave continuously crooked to the right and left for 309 years. There is a great interest hidden in making a crotch.
Modern medicine has found out that lying on a crotch continuously causes injuries in many parts of the body, so it is necessary for the relatives of patients with paralysis, fractures in the spine and hips and prolonged coma to give them a crotch for a few hours. do From this the wisdom was also known that if Allah Ta’ala had only bent the Companions of the Cave on the right side, they would have been injured on the left side, and if He had only bent them on the left side, they would have been injured on the right side. If he were to lie on the back on one side, he would get injured in the back. Doctors have come to know the wisdom of this process in modern times

Accept the routine:
The human body is a great timer. Whatever a person arranges to do at a fixed time, it becomes a habit. It does not matter whether the task is easy or difficult. The same law applies to sleep.
Create a consistent sleep schedule, try to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day, even on weekdays. It helps regulate your body’s natural sleep and wakefulness.

Power down before bed:
Avoid screens for at least an hour beforehand. Blue light from electronics suppresses melatonin, the sleep hormone. Choose loving activities like reading, taking a warm bath or light stretching.

Feed your body wisely:
Eat a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Avoid heavy meals, sugary sweets and coffee at night. Choose dream-inducing foods such as pumpkin curry, almonds, and chamomile tea.

Move your body:
The best way is worship according to your religion. Those who are not attracted to religion should ask an expert for some exercises.
Regular exercise promotes better sleep, but avoid vigorous activity close to bedtime. Choose moderate exercise during the day such as brisk walking, yoga or swimming.

Manage stress:

Chronic stress can wreak havoc on your sleep. Practice deep breathing, meditation or gradual muscle relaxation techniques before bed to calm your mind and relax you.

Take advantage of the benefits of natural sleep:
A short nap (20-30 minutes) can improve alertness and cognitive function. However, do not sleep late during the day as this can interfere with sleep at night.
Listen to your body:
Pay attention to your body’s symptoms. Go to bed when you’re tired and get out of bed when you’re awake. Do not force sleep; Get out of bed and save something until you feel like going back to sleep.
Remember, consistent effort and doing what’s best for you is the key to achieving truly restful sleep. Happiness in the dream!

